Using the Economics of Mutuality to Pressure Test Law Firm Strategic Plans 

Economics of Mutuality

The economics of mutuality is a principle asserting that for businesses to thrive and grow, they should operate in a way that benefits all stakeholders rather than focusing solely on the bottom line. Bruno Roche—former Mars Chief Economist—has said:  “If a company invests in both non-financial and financial capital using standardized metrics within a broader […]

2023 International Women’s Day – An Open Letter

An open letter to our fellow female founders and business leaders,  The U.S. has more than 12.3 million women-owned businesses, generating over $1.3 billion per year. Nearly half of all startups in 2021 were created by women. What’s even more inspiring, 64 percent of new women-owned businesses in 2022 were started by women of color. […]

How Law Firms Can Support Attorneys from Underrepresented Backgrounds in Achieving Their Business Development Goals 

Despite efforts to bolster diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the legal industry, law firms continue to struggle with attrition among attorneys from underrepresented backgrounds. Moreover, even those law firms that do a good job of recruiting attorneys from underrepresented backgrounds struggle to keep people from underrepresented backgrounds at the firm.  According to the American […]

3 Ways to Make Law Firm Strategic Plans Work During Uncertain Times

Law firm strategic plans typically fall short for one of two reasons. They are either too visionary—filled with great ideas on what they want to accomplish without specific actions that will move them from now to next. Or, they are too tactical—comprised of checklists of things to do without a clear understanding of why and […]

Elevate the Client Experience with the 3E Approach to Communication

Creating trust with clients by being honest and authentic would seem to be an obvious essential.  Yet to deepen trust in ways that cultivate strong loyalty requires intentionality and thoughtfulness that go beyond being honest, responsive, and capable.   The 3E approach to client experience adds value by thinking through how you can make the […]

What’s Your POV?

It’s hard to believe we’re quickly approaching the mid-point of 2022. As clients reflect on their accomplishments from the first half of the year, they’re also prioritizing their to-dos to complete in the second half. Want to be part of the team that is called in to help? Don’t wait for a client to ask, have your POV (point of view) ready so they want to bring you in.