How to Show Up For People – Breaking Awkward Barriers and Creating Space for Those in Pain

Watch HOW TO SHOW UP FOR PEOPLE, an intimate conversation with our panelists about their personal journeys with mental health, and a discussion on how to break through the Awkward Zone, close the Empathy-Action Gap, and rehumanize work. (webinar recorded May 2 @ Noon CT)
Growth Re-Imagined: Part 3: Re-Charging Your Business Development

Learn how to recharge your business development team in three key areas: level-appropriate skill building, situational training, and development for experience rainmakers.
Growth Re-Imagined: Part 2: Re-Writing Your Sales Playbook

Learn how to use the Revenue Acceleration Framework to redefine your sales playbook and explore the new rules to engage clients in today’s market.
Growth Re-Imagined: Part 1: Re-Evaluating Your Growth Strategy

Learn how to use our three-step readiness assessment to collect data and insights in order to establish firm-wide growth priorities with your leadership team.
Overcoming Barriers to Law Innovation

Innovation is a loaded term for many firms. A new GrowthPlay study looks beneath the surface at why law innovation is a challenge and what practical tools are available to circumvent them.
From Good Law to Great Law™: Leadership in Innovation and Law 2023

Listen to Deborah Knupp and Debra Baker explain the 7 design principles where law firms in 2017 should focus and prioritize to achieve a decade’s head start.