

Deborah Knupp

Leadership in Distress: What Makes an Exceptional Leader

The GrowthPlay leadership team examined the sign of the times, and asked, what is it that we want to offer our community to elevate hope? That will create clarity and will drive some measure of control and confidence so that people can act courageously in this distress and post stress? With our Leadership in Distress Series we hope we can draw wisdom and best practices from those who really make a living navigating and helping leaders flourish in all times of prosperity and in spaces of crisis and distress.

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Deborah Knupp

Leadership in Distress: Opportunities for Exceptional Leadership

The GrowthPlay leadership team examined the sign of the times, and asked, what is it that we want to offer our community to elevate hope? That will create clarity and will drive some measure of control and confidence so that people can act courageously in this distress and post stress? With our Leadership in Distress Series we hope we can draw wisdom and best practices from those who really make a living navigating and helping leaders flourish in all times of prosperity and in spaces of crisis and distress.

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Alycia Sutor

Five Core Practices of Trusted Leaders: Provide Perspective

Provide Perspective

A fourth element of leadership and communication is providing perspective. Perspective gives people a sense that they are not alone, these circumstances aren’t personal, and this situation isn’t permanent – three tenets that help people embrace resiliency.

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Alycia Sutor

Five Core Practices of Trusted Leaders: Speak the Truth

Speak the Truth

It’s important to remember that leaders must not only inspire hope, but they also must ground us in reality, enabling teams to make informed and wise decisions. In a time of crisis, leaders need to strike a balance between not sugarcoating their message while remaining upbeat and optimistic

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