

Alycia Sutor

The Five Core Practices of Trusted Leaders: Message Hope

Message Hope

We only have to tune into the news for a brief minute to experience a breakdown in confidence. There is no shortage of things to remind us that we are living in an exponentially VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world right now.

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Alycia Sutor

The Five Core Practices of Trusted Leaders: Be Present

Be Present

In the midst of responding to COVID-19, it can feel challenging to keep client development connections warm. In a desire to avoid burdening already stressed clients, we have heard many lawyers express a desire to pull back from reaching out, wanting to hear that their assistance is necessary or invited before making contact. And, as event after event cancels and clients delay projects, it can seem like the possibilities to stay organically connected to most of our contacts must be put on hold until life and business as usual resumes.

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Deborah Knupp

Why Generosity is Good for Business

A recent article published by the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California at Berkeley gathers the results of several studies to demonstrate five ways in which giving is actually good for you: It makes you happy, is good for your health, promotes cooperation and social connection, evokes gratitude, and is contagious. While we tend to view generosity as an act of altruism, it turns out the giver actually gains measurable benefits in the process as well.

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Alycia Sutor

3 Leadership Mistakes That Hinder a Growth-Mindset Culture

All law leaders want to see their firms thrive by bringing in new business. Firms that embrace a “growth mindset culture” — in which people feel safe taking risks, and view setbacks and failures as opportunities for growth — find more innovative ways to achieve that goal. In their determination to succeed, however, some leaders inadvertently squelch the growth-mindset that could transform their law firm culture by leaning on their intuition instead of what the data tells us about motivation and growth.

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